Bundu Bus salt lake city transportation Salt Lake City bus Salt Lake bus transportation salt lake city bus Salt Lake City transportation

Salt Lake City Grand Canyon transportation

Salt Lake transportation

Sedona Transportation



The Bundu Bus passes through Sedona on the way from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon. Although the bus goes through the town, we do not currently offer the ability to get off the vehicle and spend a few days in Sedona. Obviously you can do that if you choose, but when you get back on you will pay the full fare from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon.

In any event, please note that because the route from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon is generally carried out by a sub contractor, the hop on, hop off pass is not valid here.

Please check out the schedule, routes, and make a reservation.


Lodging is not currently offered on Sedona.



Tours are not currently offered in Sedona.

Activities & Other

No other activities are currently offered.


Salt Lake City Grand Canyon bus Salt Lake City bus to Grand Canyon Salt Lake City Grand Canyon bus